Usage: soulheart [options] COMMAND

    -r, --redis [HOST:PORT]          Redis connection string
    -h, --help                       Show this message

  load options:
    -A, --no-all                     Do not add items into the "all" category
    -C, --no-combinatorial           Do not create combined categories, do not add items to combined categories

  normalize options:
    -s, --with-symbols               Do not remove symbols when normalizing terms
    -x, --regex                      Use the first line from the FILE as the regular expression for normalizing terms

  clear options:
    -R, --remove-results             Remove results data - breaks the cache, fully clears all loaded data

  load        FILE   Loads data from a FILE - can be a local file or a url. Accepted formats are .json, .tsv and .csv
  stop-words  FILE   Load file containing a list of stop words to overwrite defaults - 'the', 'at' and 'vs'
  normalize          Set the way that terms are normalized. Requires a file when including the --regex option
  clear              Removes existing items and categories from the database

Additional info:


Combinatorial categories leads to rapid database growth.

In many situations it isn’t actually the behavior you want - e.g. if users are your categories (to provide each user with unique type ahead response), there’s no reason they would ever need to be combined.

Pass the no-combinatorial and the no-all flags when loading data to avoid exponentially growing the database with each new user - soulheart -AC load FILENAME.


clear removes the items in the database. It does not reset the stop words or change the normalize function.

Soulheart caches responses to searches for up to 10 minutes, which is convenient when reloading data because it prevents empty responses while you’re loading. If you’re really sure you want to clear everything, pass the -R flag.


stop-words sets the stop words. Pass it a file (or a url) with new-line delineated list of words to stop on.

The default stop words are:


Stop words are saved in redis, so they work between loads and when restarting the server.

After running this command you may need to:

Heroku note: To restart a server on Heroku, run heroku restart -a app_name


normalize sets the way that data is processed and matched. There are three possible options:

  1. No passed options. Sets it to default - strips out symbols and extra white space.
  2. --with-symbols which doesn’t remove symbols.
  3. --regex which loads a file (or url) and uses that as the expression to normalize. (e.g. soulheart --regex normalize FILENAME)

After running this command you may need to:

Heroku note: on Heroku, some of Soulheart's options conflict with Heroku commands. If you wrap the command in quotes it works correctly:

heroku run -a APP_NAME "soulheart -s normalize"